Events Calendar
At this time of writing, conditions on our original planned route are less than stellar so we will try a new trail in Quebec instead, the Chelsea Community Trail. It is the old train track going up to Wakefield beside the Gatineau River. It is a groomed, flat, easy, very scenic trail. We will meet at 10:30 am in the small parking lot at one of the trail accesses, located in Chelsea on the right hand side of highway 105 just north of the 3 way stop at Chemin Chelsea. The trip leader will send more detailed parking instructions to those who register for the trip. For those that are interested, we will have lunch in Old Chelsea afterwards.
If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us next time.
Send an e-mail to xc-2025{at} by 9 pm the evening before if you wish to participate.
Trip Leader: Gillian Huntley