Frequently Asked Questions

What is RASki?

RASki is the "RA Ski & Outdoor Club", one of several organized sports clubs within the RA Centre, is a non-profit adult ski club operating since 1967. RASki organizes a variety of activities and outings throughout the fall and winter months, hiking and cycling when the snow is gone, and social events throughout the entire year. RASki is run and organized by an Executive Committee of volunteers who donate their time and effort to produce a quality ski program for downhillers and cross-country skiers.

Where does RASki go on ski trips?

The Downhill program consists of day trips, week-end trips and week-long trips. Day trip destinations, usually by highway coach or carpool, generally favour ski areas in the Laurentians. Weekend destinations are usually resorts, 4-7 hours away, in Quebec, New York, and Vermont. Week-long trips have travelled to destinations in Western Canada, USA, Europe and Chile in the summer.

The Cross-Country program organizes day outings and week-end trips. Day trips regularly go to Gatineau Park, the NCC Greenbelt, urban Ottawa, and Montebello. Week-end trips generally go to areas in the Laurentians, usually by car pool.  Cross-country skiers join the downhill skiers at their week-end and week-long destinations whenever there are cross-country facilities available.

What if I am new to skiing or boarding?

We welcome skiers of all levels of abilities.

If you want to improve your downhill skills, we recommend taking lessons at one of the local ski hills, or at the Mooney's Bay Cross-Country Ski Centre. Some hills offer a discount for RA Ski members.

For cross-country outings, we generally split up into a faster and a slower group. To join us, our only requirement is that you are able to do a snowplow turn and a snowplow stop.  The City of Ottawa offers excellent cross-country ski lessons at Mooney's Bay, for both classic and skate skiing, at the beginner, novice, intermediate and advanced levels.

Is there more than just ski trips?

You bet! In the Spring, Summer and Fall, there's a series of organized hikes in the Gatineaus, and bike outings.  In the Fall and Winter, we organize Ski-Fit classes - fitness classes designed specifically to help skiers get and stay in shape for the winter ski season.

Social activities are organized all year long. We've had pub nights, pot luck parties, golf, baseball and theatre nights. All Club "tournaments" expect and welcome novice through expert participants.

What are the benefits of joining RASki?

Your RASki membership entitles you to:

  • be kept informed with regular newsletters
  • our low group rates for Club trips, lessons, and social events
  • discounts at local ski resorts (your savings could pay for your membership!)
  • special "members only nights" and discounts at sports stores
  • meet friendly people with the same interests

What does it cost to join?

You can join the RA Ski Club for $54.00  a year (plus tax). Contact the RA Centre for details: 613-733-5100.

How does RASki keep its members informed about club events?


  • The club publishes several newsletters a year.

RA Ski Club Website

  • www.raski.ca: our web site is where you will find the latest information on the club as well as the latest updates on club events



  • Ski-Mail: the club sends out an e-mail newsletter weekly during the ski season, and periodically during the rest of the year.  Sign yourself up! Go to our website www.raski.ca and see the e-Mail section on the home page..

Can anyone join the RA Ski Club?

Membership in the RA Ski Club is open to anyone. For more information on RA membership, please visit www.racentre.com

How do I find out more?

RA Ski Open House

Our club's Open House, in November, officially marks the beginning of the RASki Club year. Each of the Club's programs will present information on what the Club has planned for the ski season. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Executive and enroll in the Club. Local ski areas and sports stores participate - it's like a mini Ski Show. At this event you can register for ski trips, but don't wait for November, the Social program will already be underway before Trip Info Night!


  • 733-5100: the RA Centre staff, or our recreation supervisor, will answer all of your questions and take Club registrations

RA Ski Club website

  • www.raski.ca: our web site is where you will find the latest information on the club as well as the latest updates on club events

Where do I find more information about the RA Centre?

You can visit the RA Centre's web site at www.racentre.com or phone them at (613) 733-5100.